Flying 4 Fun is just an adventure away, contact me below to find out more

The sky is the limit.

Let's go fly

Make your dreams come true!

Start learning how to fly today, or maybe you already did, let's see how we can improve those skills or become (re)current or more proficient.


Safety first, all else is second.

Let's make safety our first habit. It’s not something to just strive for – let's live by this principle every day.

Instagram feed

Man looking at a camera
Person hiking in mountains
Horse in a field
Woman holding a husky
Sleeping cat
City in night time
Big waterfall
Green peacock
Hills near water
Ocean waves
Old car in a city
Pot of strawberries

Our office

1901 Embarcadero Rd, Suite 901
Palo Alto, CA 94303

Get in touch


1901 Embarcadero Rd, Suite 901
Palo Alto, CA 94303

